Dig Deeper
There is a lot to learn about the ideas upon which we are founded and we recognize there are many kinds of learners. If you like to read, and this is your best approach to learning, we would encourage you to dive in! If this is not how you like to learn, please come feel, see and touch our atmosphere, this is an excellent way for many people to understand the essentials.
Our method has been defined by the famed English educator, Charlotte Mason whose work has inspired people for over 100 years. The tradition of learning set forward by her innovative thinking so long ago is still relevant today as we experience a rapidly changing world that becomes more complex every day. The simplicity is profound and intuitive. A great example is the practice of Narration. Students will read a section of text and then close the volume to tell the teacher what they just read. This not only improves memory, but allows teachers to ask questions that inspire your child’s mind to not just remember the story, but truly understand it. Read more on our Method →
There is no greater truth than the love of God revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is in the love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that we discover fullness of life.
Thus, parent and teacher have no greater responsibility than cultivating a child's joyful and obedient relationship with a loving God. Read more about our Belief →
Not many schools have a philosophy, but we feel that it’s crucial to our guidance. Our True North always present with us. Charlotte Mason saw children as complex treasures with an innate ability to know. Our teachers remove every obstruction to that ability and provide focus through the development of excellent habits. Our minds need ideas like our bodies need food. For us, education is simply living ideas, an awareness of the greater world around us and the development of superb habits that guide us. Read more about the philosophy →
The following subjects are a small selection of the 20+ topics presented in a given week here. We believe that active and hungry minds deserve a nutritious and varied feast of ideas. The pace of study is set by the watchful eye of the teacher so that each person is challenged to grow.
Literature, Science, Bible, Nature Study, Recitation, History, Humanities, Drama, Life-long Athletics, Composer Study, Mathematics, Handwriting, Dictation, Transcription, Spanish, etc.
For a complete overview of the curriculum, schedule a visit with our Head of School
Read more about our Curriculum →
Video Library
For those of you who wish to invest some considerable time researching Charlotte Mason and Ambleside Schools, we have compiled an 18 chapter video series designed to educate teachers and interested parents. Watch the Videos Here →